Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Java Magazine May/June 2015 Released!

The Java Magazine May/June 2015 has been released! In the main editorial of the magazine, the Editor-in-Chief, Andrew Binstock, talks about how the magazine is going to be radically more technical. He emphasizes that in the next few issues, there are going to be more hands-on material, deep expertise, and in-depth tutorials. What a great time to be alive :)

Some of the contents of this issue include the following:

  1.  Discussion with John Rose on Projects Valhalla and Panama
  2.  Discussion with Mark Reinhold on the changes that have driven Java's wide use, and the changes to come.
  3.  What's new in JPA including Attribute conversion, schema generation, enhanced SQL queries, and more.
  4.  Contexts and Dependency Injection: the New Java EE Toolbox.
  5.  Internet of Things - Brewing Java with the Raspberry Pi.
  6.  Creating a simple paddle game with Microsoft Kinect.
  7.  How startup Skymind is using deep learning with an open source framework built on Java and Hadoop.
  8.  Robots running wild - Using the Java NAOqi SDK to program companion robots.

You can get your issue from here.